Bus passes

All councils are obliged to fulfil the requirements of the English National Concessionary Transport Scheme (ENCTS). This provides travel to senior citizens and some disabled people within certain criteria.

Bus companies are reimbursed by the local authority for the area where a free bus pass was used. Any council can provide a service over and above that requirement. The council can only offer this benefit where it is responsible for payment. For example, it can offer this where journeys start within that area.

This scheme in Hull allows for travel 24-hours-a-day every day. Passes are valid on regular bus services only and not excursions.

Hull residents can use their passes for journeys starting within Hull, and journeys going outside the city boundary. If a Hull resident left at 8am to go to Withernsea overnight and left Withernsea the following day at 8am to come home, their pass would be valid for the outbound journey but not for the home bound journey. 

It is possible for a disabled person to be given a pass that allows a carer to travel with them free of charge. This is if the disabled person would not otherwise be able to travel.

Access further information on senior bus passes.

Find out further information and how to apply for a disability bus pass.

East Hull Community Transport

This organisation provides a dial a ride service across the whole of the city for those who would otherwise find travel difficult. We provide financial support to enable them to operate this service.

Access more information on EHCTS.

Easy rider wallet scheme

The Easy Rider wallet is for disabled people. It is bright orange with plastic pockets into which can hold important information. The wallet helps to make using public transport easier and people more independent. The wallet tells bus, taxi drivers and Paragon Interchange staff that the holder may need assistance.

To get a wallet, use the email address below or write to -

Public Transport
Festival House
93 Jameson Street

There is currently no charge for this service.

Alternatively, email public.transport@hullcc.gov.uk