Drop-in session for public to view road improvement plans for busy Clough Road and Beverley Road junction

A drop-in session for people to find out more about work taking place to improve road safety at the junction of Clough Road and Beverley Road will take place next week.

Beverley road and clough road junction

A drop-in session for people to find out more about work taking place to improve road safety at the junction of Clough Road and Beverley Road will take place next week.

It’s the second in a series of drop-ins being held as part of major upgrades taking place on busy transport routes between Hull and the East Riding.

The plans will be on display at Trinity Methodist Church on Newland Avenue from Wednesday 20 July, 8am to 6pm for members of the public to view ahead of the scheme starting on site next month.

Councillor Mark Ieronimo, Portfolio Holder for Transportation, Roads, Highways, said -

Following the success of the engagement event held last week about the pedestrian improvements to the Inglemire Lane and Beverley Road junction, we now want to invite members of the public to view the plans for the next phase of works.

The drop-in session is an opportunity for members of the public to view the proposed improvements for the Clough Road and Beverley Road scheme.

The planned work will include - 

  • adjustments to the start of the north bound bus lane just north of Beresford Avenue, to enable drivers to manoeuvre around a waiting right turning vehicle without having to enter the bus lane
  • amendments to the pedestrian refuge island on Beverley Road south of Clough Road to aid traffic flow
  • extension of the south bound bus lane on Beverley Road south of the junction, to start 20m north of its existing position
  • work to make cycling through the junction safer

The schemes can also be viewed online on the Hull Active Travel schemes Commonplace platform.

Published: 19th July 2022