Work to improve critical junction begins next week

Work to improve the junction of Beverley Road, Clough Road and Cottingham Road for all road users will begin next week.

Cycling Lanes 1August22

Work to improve the junction of Beverley Road, Clough Road and Cottingham Road for all road users will begin next week.

Following the drop-in session which took place last week, residents were able to have their say on the improvement plans.

One local resident highlighted that the pedestrian crossing timings located outside of the Haworth Arms pub on Beverley Road did not factor in motorists who were turning right from Clough Road. As a result, the signals have been amended to allow pedestrians more time to safely cross the busy junction.

Councillor Mark Ieronimo, Portfolio Holder for Transportation, Roads, Highways, said -

The value of making time to listen to residents and seeking their feedback is evident. By speaking to people who use this junction regularly and making the most of their knowledge, we are able to deliver a scheme which is better than originally planned.

As a result, these amendments have been incorporated to improve pedestrian safety at this busy junction.

From Monday 1 August phased roadworks will begin to improve the busy junction for all road users.

The works will include -

  • adjustments to the start of the north bound bus lane just north of Beresford Avenue, to enable drivers to manoeuvre around a waiting right turning vehicle without having to enter the bus lane
  • amendments to the pedestrian refuge island on Beverley Road south of Clough Road to aid traffic flow
  • extension of the south bound bus lane on Beverley Road south of the junction, to start 20m north of its existing position
  • work to make cycling through the junction safer

For the work to take place in a safe manner some traffic management will be in place.

From Monday 1 August to Monday 22 August for motorists heading northbound on Beverley Road the right turn filter lane will be closed. The existing straight on lane will be converted into a right turn lane. The left lane will continue to direct motorists heading straight on and left.

For vehicles driving southbound, the left-hand lane between Beresford Avenue and Clough Road will be closed. The parking bays will remain in use.

From Monday 8 August to Monday 22 August, temporary 4-way lights will be in operation from 7.30pm to 11pm.

Published: 29th July 2022