Plans reveal how Freetown Way could look following a major upgrade

A new image has today been revealed on Friday 19 August showing how Freetown Way could look under new plans to upgrade the busy road network and make it accessible for everyone.

Freetown Way CGi Image

A new image has today been revealed on Friday 19 August. It shows how Freetown Way could look under new plans to upgrade the busy road network and make it accessible for everyone.

As part of the new scheme, the bollards and cycle lanes will be removed from the road. 2 lanes of traffic will be reinstated in both directions.

The footway on both sides of Freetown Way will also be widened between Witham and Blundell’s Corner. This is to accommodate an off-road cycle facility, including a raised separation strip between the cycle lane and footway. It will provide a segregated area for both cyclists and pedestrians.

Councillor Mark Ieronimo, Portfolio Holder for Transportation, Roads, Highways, said -

We have listened to residents who were clear that the current road layout is not a suitable solution for all road users.

As a result, new plans for Freetown Way have been designed to accommodate both cyclists and motorists as well as a range of pedestrian improvements.

We are committed to delivering transport schemes that work for everyone and encourage people to view the online plans and have their say on the improvements.

The full plans can be viewed on the Commonplace platform.

​2 drop-in sessions will be held next week where people can view the plans and share their comments –

  • Tuesday 23 August, 8am to 2pm at Trinity Market
  • Thursday 25 August, 2pm to 7pm at St Stephen’s Shopping Centre

The improvement work will also include - 

  • the separation of left turning traffic from straight ahead cyclists at junctions to improve safety
  • additional pedestrian crossings along the route
  • early start signals for cyclists
  • improved facilities for pedestrians and cyclists at junctions
  • the removal of cycle lanes across North Bridge and replacement with off-road cycle tracks
  • removal of left turns from Freetown Way into Worship Street and Caroline Street. This is to aid traffic flow and enhance safety
  • removal of cycle lanes at Blundell’s corner, and provision of an additional southbound traffic lane on Beverley Road
  • new off-road cycle tracks around the Blundell’s Corner junction. They will be fully segregated from traffic and pedestrians

The consultation will close on Monday 3 October.

People can also have their say on wider transport issues in Hull as part of the citywide transport survey.

Published: 19th August 2022