‘An Absolute Gem’ – Cargo Trike Helps Hull Business Start-Up

Gavin holborn with his trike and stall at trinity market

A Hull jewellery maker has credited his cargo trike as being ‘an absolute gem’ that has helped him set the wheels in motion and get his new business started.

A Hull jewellery maker has credited his cargo trike as being ‘an absolute gem’ that has helped him set the wheels in motion and get his new business started.

Gavin Holborn of Gem Shack Jewellery, based at the city’s Trinity Market, uses his three-wheeled cargo trike to transport his products to and from his stall as well as to other events and markets in Hull and the surrounding area where he sells his hand-made items.

Gavin, who is also a freelance photographer and fine artist, explained how important the trike has been, both for his health and wellbeing and for meeting his day-to-day travel needs.

“I’d be lost without it,” said Gavin. “It is an absolute gem and enables me to transport myself and my products from my home to the various locations where I sell them.”

Having emigrated to South Africa with his family in the 1980s, Gavin developed a keen interest in jewellery and has been making a variety of items, including necklaces and bracelets, for more than 20 years.

After a period travelling and working in Europe and the southeast of England, Gavin returned to Hull in 2017.

Unfortunately, due to health reasons, he had to leave his office-based job and decided to go into business for himself.

He completed a photography degree at Hull College during the Covid-19 pandemic and has combined his work as a freelance photographer with his passion for jewellery making.

After running a pop-up stall at Trinity Market, he has now secured a permanent pitch.

Asked why he decided to choose a cargo trike for work, rather than more conventional forms of transport, Gavin said -

“Learning to drive is an expensive process and the sheer cost has meant it is not a viable option for me. Taking taxis would not be cost-effective and bus travel would be difficult due to the number of things I need to transport for my stall. I therefore had to think creatively, and a cargo trike was an ideal option.

“As my business grows, I would like to add a pedal-assist motor to the trike as this will allow me to take on more jobs further afield and expand the geographical footprint of markets and events I can attend.”

The cost of Gavin’s cargo trike is the equivalent of around 12 tanks of petrol for a standard family car, but cargo bikes can be priced as low as the equivalent cost of three to four tanks of petrol, if bought second-hand from a reputable source. *

Gavin rides his trike every day and highlighted the improvements made to the cycle network by Hull City Council in recent years as being of great benefit.

“The new on-road cycle lanes and off-road cycle tracks in and around the city are really useful and mean I can get to where I need to go quickly and conveniently.”

For those considering swapping their car or van for a cargo bike, Gavin had this advice:

“Go for it. You will have a lot of fun and will be amazed at how much you will save and all the while improving your fitness.

“My cargo trike has been a brilliant investment. Not only has it enabled me to get my business off the ground. It has also improved my health and wellbeing.”

To find out more about how to travel in and around Hull by bike, visit Travel Hull

Published: 8th August 2023