Hull ranked in top 10 for Cycle Training for Children in England

Bikeability session

Hull has been ranked in the top 10 locations in the country for delivering cycling training to children, according to new figures from the Bikeability Trust.

Hull has been ranked in the top 10 locations in the country for delivering cycling training to children, according to new figures from the Bikeability Trust.

Between April 2022 and March 2023, 78% of year 6 pupils in Hull received either Level 1 and 2 or Level 2 Bikeability training, putting the city seventh in the league table in a top 10 that includes Plymouth, Solihull, Lancashire, Leeds, Cheshire East, Cambridgeshire, Warrington and Devon.

In April, Hull City Council took over full delivery of all Bikeability training in the city and has made additional steps to reduce cancellations and increase participation, with a view to delivering training to even more children.

Councillor Mark Ieronimo, cabinet portfolio holder for transportation, roads and highways, said - 

“Hull has a long and well-established history when it comes to cycling participation and we are proud to see our city in the top 10 for cycle training for children in England. Teaching our young people how to ride a bike is an essential life skill. Not only do they learn to cycle, but they also gain independence, social skills and a sense of wellbeing.

We would like to thank our delivery partners at First Step and QTS for all their hard work and support in providing this free training in schools. Our aim now is to continue to make greater progress in this area to ensure no child leaves school without the knowledge, confidence and opportunity to cycle.”

Emily Cherry, Bikeability Trust Chief Executive, said - 

“I’m so proud of the 461,887 children across England who can now enjoy the physical and mental health benefits of cycling and will have the skills and confidence to be able to make more sustainable transport choices for the rest of their lives. Well done to you all, and huge thanks to our brilliant instructors and training providers across the country, who are so committed to teaching young people this essential life skill. And a special well done to our Bikeability superstars in the top performing areas.”

Chris Boardman, Active Travel Commissioner, said - 

“Active travel puts the joy back into journeys, transforming the school run and giving children across the country transport independence, so it’s fantastic to see Bikeability reach this impressive milestone of delivering cycle training to nearly half a million kids.

Helping young people develop the skills and confidence to get to schools, shops and leisure activities under their own steam is at the heart of our mission to provide healthier and greener travel choices for everyone.”

Published: 10th August 2023