Exploring Hull on Foot is a Step in the Right Direction
When it comes to walking around the city of Hull, nobody has more steps counted than tour guide, Paul Schofield.
When it comes to walking around the city of Hull, nobody has more steps counted than tour guide, Paul Schofield.
Paul has been leading guided walks of the city for more than 30 years and is passionate about both walking and the history, culture and heritage of Hull.
“I’ve always liked walking, both as a leisure activity and as a way of getting about. In fact, I am a big fan of all forms of active travel. There was no car in our household growing up, so walking, cycling and taking the bus was a way of life,” said Paul.
Born in Hull, in 1961, Paul returned to the city in 1982 after studying at the University of Warwick.
“At that time, many of the people providing guided tours in the city came from York. The University of Hull sought to change this and train local people to become tour guides,” explained Paul,
who trained as one of the first tour guides at the university and has been delivering guided walks since 1988.
“Completing the course allowed me to work for myself. I like being my own boss and I have gone on to create and develop a number of guided walks all around the city, often through working in collaboration with the university and with Hull City Council.
“There is so much rich history and so many stories to tell all around Hull and guided walks, themed trails, and mapped routes are often the best way to bring these to life, whether it be the Townscape Heritage walks on Beverley Road or the Whitefriargate Trail, inspired by the amazing architecture and the simple notion to ‘look up, look down, look all around’.”
Hull is home to a number of walking trails and routes, including -
- The Fish Trail
- The Blue Plaque Trail
- The Statue Trail
- The Wilberforce Trail
- The Larkin Trail
- The Ale Trail
- Engine Drain
- Foredyke Clough
- Rockford Fields
- Tran Pennine Trail
- Sutton Trod
- Foredyke Stream
- Setting Dyke
- Cottingham Branchline
- Springhead
- Poorhouse Lane
- Eastern Cemetery
- Alexandra Dock
But what makes Hull such a great place for exploring and getting about by on foot?
“Firstly, the landscape. It is flat, which is ideal for walking,” explained Paul.
“Secondly, its architecture, its green spaces and parks and, most importantly, its history, particularly in the Old Town and Museum Quarter which are amazing.”
But it isn’t just the city’s heritage that Paul focusses on during his guided walks.
“The regeneration of Hull continues to impress me and is a source of inspiration when doing my research. It is a living city, with a lot happening and I’ll often tell people that scaffolding is a good sign and not a bad thing.”
There are a number of benefits to walking, from finding new and interesting places to improving fitness and wellbeing.
“A recent study highlighted that as few as 4,000 steps a day is beneficial to a person,” said Paul.
“Walking is perfect for all ages and abilities and, in addition to improving your health, can also help you socialise with like-minded people and combat issues such as loneliness.
“All my guided walks are planned and delivered to keep in mind the pace of all walkers, including those who like to take their time. I always say, ‘it is a walk, not a route march!’.”
Has walking become more popular in the city? Paul certainly thinks so.
“Absolutely. The pandemic gave people the opportunity to rediscover walking as a leisure activity and the chance to explore the city and their local neighbourhoods. Sometimes you don’t fully realise just what is on your doorstep.
“I’ve run guided walks in a variety of locations across the city, including Sutton Village, Victoria Dock, Spring Bank, Beverley Road and I’m currently working on a guided walk for Hessle Road.”
So, what advice does Paul have for those considering getting out and about on foot?
“Give it a go. You can build up to longer walks. It is all about taking that first step and can start by taking a walk around where you live.”
For more information about walking in Hull, visit: www.travelhull.co.uk/walk
To find out more about Paul’s guided walks and talks, go to: www.tourhull.com