Cabinet approves progression of A165 corridor road safety improvements

Hull City Council’s Cabinet has approved the delivery of a programme of road safety improvements along the A165.
Hull City Council’s Cabinet has approved the delivery of a programme of road safety improvements along the A165 to be incorporated into the authority’s highway capital works programme for 2023/2024 and 2024/2025.
The £2.99million A165 Corridor Road Safety Improvement Scheme, funded following a successful bid by the council to the Department for Transport’s Safer Roads Fund earlier this year, will include a range of improvements from the junction of Ferensway / Beverley Road along Freetown Way, Witham and Holderness Road.
The approval allows for the evaluation and awarding of contracts for the development, design and management and construction of the scheme.
Councillor Mark Ieronimo, cabinet portfolio holder for transportation, roads and highways, said -
“As a council, we want Hull to work towards ‘Vision Zero’ – which means no deaths or serious injuries on the roads of the city.
“Historically, this route has seen a number of incidents along its length. As a local highway authority, we have a statutory responsibility to reduce and prevent accidents.
“This decision further demonstrates the council’s proactive approach to improving the road network in the city for the benefit of all road users and members of the travelling public.
“The A165 is an important part of the transport network to and from east Hull. When complete, this scheme will deliver wide ranging economic, environmental and road safety benefits.”